There is an urgent need for a more widespread and deeply felt conviction that all members of the Church, have the grace and responsibility to look after vocations into priestly and religious life. That is the Baptismal privilege of every Christian!
Pastor and the Vocation Committee will help
our Parish Family to promote and encourage vocations among the youth
through various activities such as prayer, resource materials,
presentations done by guest speakers, missionaries, youth leaders and
parents of priests and sisters.
The Vocation Committee will prepare
observing and celebrating especially, World Day for Consecrated Life,
World Day of Prayer for Vocations and Vocation Awareness Week.
The family and friends of young people
considering their response to the call of priesthood and a religious
life are asked to encourage them and support them.
One of the important ministries of our
Parish Community is to offer spiritual and financial support to
seminarians and members of the religious orders.
O Lord guide all who are seeking You. May Your Spirit direct all who are
called to a religious vocation and strengthen those who have committed
themselves to the priesthood or religious life. Inspire men and women to
serve our Church, and keep us all in Your grace. Amen!